How to deal with difficult People in Esoteric Platforms?

Written by Liz

Hello, I am Liz Figueroa, professional cartomant and instructor of the Lenormand oracle, with more than 30 years of experience. Reiki practitioner. A native of Puerto Rico, I currently reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin since 2011. My passion is teaching Lenormand in the most traditional way possible.
mayo 7, 2021

We find them everywhere! from Home, School, Market, Work, Church, and even though Social Media platforms. Yes, they are the sensitive ones, that can’t match logic with reality–and willing to fight you through their own convictions o beliefs. They are always in the shadows, waiting for a cue that can trigger their most dark side into the light. However, handling these toxic people, at times ignore them or avoiding them, is not enough.

The most difficult place to avoid these types of people is through Social Platforms. As is so easy to become someone else, by changing name and profile photo. They pop from other places, as soon as you block them. Sadly, the more you avoid them, the more these individuals attempt to damage your reputation with either a single post or a marathon with their vail venom through groups of Facebook. Simply, because they have been ignored, in their goal to get your attention.

In the “Spiritual or Cartomant” social platforms, I have a peculiar classification for each type of toxic people and choose to deal with them in different manners.

The Sad ones: These types of people, are broken beings that life has hit them hard. They never seek medical help on their own, exposing all kinds of excuses or why not doing so. Describing their entire lives for the whole world of strangers to see, and in some cases demanding your attention or sympathy. Sadly, the ones that are feeling empathy or relate to their problem, soon or later become their emotional victims. In our compassionate nature, we can’t deny them help. But for no reason, we can not take the role of becoming their saviors, by taking them by their hand and show them the way. With the Sad ones, we have to be firm and clear with them, in our intentions of giving them help. We have to tell them how it is and emphasize that the resolution is up to them through their free will. By no means, attempt to let them know, that there will be a follow-up on your part, in their case. You did your part, it’s time to move on and let it be.

The Einstein Syndrome: I am sure you have encountered this kind, many times. These are those that for some reason, they are not agreeing with your opinion and are willing the embarrass you publicly, in order to find sympathizers that agreeing with them, over you. Simply, they can’t stand that person, that has acceptance in their “simple” opinions, while they believe that their “Intellectual” opinions are better. We can find them in any group that allows their members to share ideas or opinions. And “Spiritual” or “Tarot/Lenormand” groups, this type of people with Einstein Syndrom, is very notorious. Something, I know for sure through my experience with them–you can’t fix their twisted Ego, there is no gain into getting into an argument with them, you can’t fight them with an “Intellectual” point of view of your own. Your only way to beat them, it’s by being humbly loving in your response. They will find no room to argue when they encounter someone responding with humility.

The Double Face: This kind is related to “Psychic Vampirism”, pretending to be your friends while abusing you through other soft forms of manipulations. In many cases, this type doesn’t realize that they are psychic vampires in disguise. However, in most “Spiritual” or “Tarot/Lenormand” groups, they are very conscious of what they are doing, mostly through their silent envy. They claim to be spiritual but practice the dark arts in silence, with a twisted goal to gain superiority above you. These ones have the tendency to be sweet until you deny them access to something they have interest in and is not meant for them to know. From this kind, I make sure to double-check my astral protection, I have my amulets on hand and treat them in a professional fashion.

The Screamers for Help: This kind, “ALWAYS” their needs are on “Emergency” status. And their needs are more important than anyone else. These are the kind that has no shame in asking everything for free, no matter what time of day–or if you are available or not. They usually became very friendly and almost fanatic about what you have to offer. They get a free reading and assumed because they consider themselves my friend–I “MUST” give everything free thereafter. No matter what time of the day it can be, or whether I am feeling sick. Their needs must be attended in an “emergency fashion” or my reputation will be in danger accordingly with their needs. When I see this behavior, I tell them, my available hours and my charging fees–along with where they need to pay it. Usually, I get a simple “Thank you” while they never return afterward. However, once in a while I get one that makes claims on the friendship, they imposed on me without asking for it. That is the moment that I have to be very professional and stay firm that my time and skills have a price tag.

Because after all, in the Esoteric World, you might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for sure you will not be sharing your energy with anyone that is asking, in either direct or in an indirect manner.

For the last 2 years, I have found myself with a few of “The Sad Ones” and like many, and out of compassion, I became a victim of their twisted world. One of them has changed its Facebook profile over 5 times in these 2 years. No matter how many times I block it, somehow this type finds me. Always begging, always claiming that it will be a better person. This time, I was no so kind, but more firmly honest. In a professional manner, I said why I don’t want its energy around me or on my social platforms. I referred them to others, that are doing the same thing I do, along with a Blessing, and a goodbye–hopefully for good, this time. As usual and expected, this person dragged me negatively, through social media–painting me as a horrible person with a lack of empathy. But It didn’t stop there, this person went to my Youtube Channel and denounced some of my videos with the most views. As usual, I blocked this person, AGAIN–hopefully, this person will stay away for a long while, or until creates another fake profile. Now I wonder, am I the only one encountering these types of people? Does it enough, how I deal with them?

For the ones reading this article, are you being victim of these individuals? How you manage to deal with them?

Blessings to all of you! Liz Figueroa


  1. Jaime Leonel

    Los que te exigen que les interpretes las cartas gratuitamente porque es tu obligación ya que “tienes el don”.

  2. Edyslo

    Cuánta verdad querida Liz!


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