Introducing my new website

Introducing the new website

Written by Liz

Hello, I am Liz Figueroa, professional cartomant and instructor of the Lenormand oracle, with more than 30 years of experience. Reiki practitioner. A native of Puerto Rico, I currently reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin since 2011. My passion is teaching Lenormand in the most traditional way possible.
abril 23, 2021

New Year New Website

Since 2018, I have been testing the idea of whether or not to create a web page. Finally, I have reached the reality of its creation and soon it will be active on the internet and through social networks, before the month of April 2021 ends.

During the political turmoil of the USA in 2020, in conjunction with the Global pandemic and the closures, I noticed that it was the ideal time to finally justify the creation of this. After all, The Lenormand is my passion and my second love, after the Tarot. I thought, why not create my own place?, More professional and focused. Leaving the common format provided by Facebook, where I started my Lenormand presentations since 2014 – at the Escuela Aprendiendo El Lenormand.

“As the quality of presentations rises, technological knowledge advances to keep up with it”

As I continued to advance in my presentations, so I also continued to advance in equipment investments, technical classes to handle this, study programming and cinematography, finally taking me to the point where I am. Believe me, this path was not easy, nor economical for me, at my age and my lifestyle, together with my regular full-time job. But I knew that this stage of my passion and professional presentation had to evolve – and like the leap of the Fool, I took the challenge, without the expectation of personal wealth, but with the expectation of spiritual growth.

I wanted a place, where I could try various services, such as lectures, blogs, video demonstrations, esoteric courses, while also providing a place for my Lenormand letter designs. I wanted to centralize everything in a starting place, instead of being spread out by all the networks or applications known today. I knew within me that if I wanted people to take me seriously, the website would be a secure foundation to obtain that professional status.

The creation of this website really made me feel in strange waters in a matter of minutes, given the magnitude of the design.

So I turned to one of my best friends, Stacie Tatera, for advice. And this was addressed to the person who created your website, Gina Esch and Kim Daubon. I contacted these ladies and described my idea, of what I wanted. They got down to work and created what will be my virtual home in my next stage of evolution, as a professional charter teacher. Actually, I am very happy with the result and at the same time, overwhelmed with the amount of work that I will have to put into creating continuous content, to maintain this. But if I decided to take this step, I have no excuse to take steps back – on the contrary, it will motivate me to keep going, but with an attitude of total gratitude. Well, I started from nothing and when I look around at everything I have created, I know – deep inside me – that I achieve it through my perseverance.

I hope that my followers will follow me the same through this website, because they will find much more than just one page – they will find a source of Lenormand information appropriate for their studies and spiritual growth. So be it, so be it, so be it. Amen.
Blessings to all!

Liz Figueroa Lenormand

NOTE: The website will be announced in the next few days, stay tuned! Thank you all for your support during my beginnings and my destiny to come.


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La lectura de cartas en el aspecto legal se considera como "Entretenimiento". Laadivinación a través de cartas sugiere "Opciones" para una solución a unasituación. Las respuestas obtenidas de una lectura deben ser cuidadosamenteanalizadas por el cliente para que tengan acceso a su propio libre albedrío al tomardecisiones en su situación actual. El lector se abstiene de responder preguntas quesoliciten consejo legal o médico.