Frequently Asked Questions
Liz Figueroa wants to make sure that your experience is up-front and that you leave any reading, course or purchase with complete satisfaction. Below are just a few of the most frequently-asked questions.
What is required before receiving your reading?
I urge you to have all your questions written and ready before you start reading. This saves our time and helps you be clear on what you want to ask. You can also have your notebook and pencil at hand, to make your notes, or record the reading through your cell phone.
What can you expect from your reading?
You will notice vast information coming from the cards drawn in a traditional way, together with the gifts of Intuition and clairvoyance. I will tell you exactly what the cards say, as my playing style is to the point and in all honesty. I will do this in the most professional manner and with the deepest compassion possible. My goals is to answer all your questions, dispel your doubts about a situation and finally lift your spirit, so that you can use your free will in your decisions.
Payment Methods: at the moment this is the only accepted payment method. The reading must be paid for approximately 15 minutes, before receiving your reading.
Legal Disclaimer
The reading of letters in the legal aspect, are considered as “Entertainment”. Divination through cards suggests “Options” for a solution to a situation. The answers obtained from a roll must be carefully analyzed by the client so that they have access to their own free will in making decisions in their current situation. The reader refrains from answering questions that ask for legal or medical advice.
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To contact Liz please visit her Contact page. We are temporarily having issues with the Contact form here and hope to be back up soon. Thank you for your patience.
La lectura de cartas en el aspecto legal se considera como "Entretenimiento". Laadivinación a través de cartas sugiere "Opciones" para una solución a unasituación. Las respuestas obtenidas de una lectura deben ser cuidadosamenteanalizadas por el cliente para que tengan acceso a su propio libre albedrío al tomardecisiones en su situación actual. El lector se abstiene de responder preguntas quesoliciten consejo legal o médico.